Geography - Year 3


Year 3- Autumn: UK cities and regions.

Children begin to look at the UK more deeply by identifying some of the larger cities, counties and regions using maps, atlases and aerial photographs. They look at important topographical features as a link to future learning. They use digital mapping and look at weather patterns around the UK.


Spring: Volcanoes, Mountains and Earthquakes

The children discover the origins and features of mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. They use maps and atlases to explore and compare mountain and low land settlements. They begin to use grid references to study mountainous areas. They study a range of maps to develop an understanding of how the weather changes in these environments and present data for this.



Summer: Farm to Fork

The children explore the origins of food and follow the journey from farm to fork. They will observe and discuss the impact that humans can have on the environment by understanding food production. With a particular focus on where food comes from, they will learn about how food is grown, harvested and distributed across the UK.

 Unit Plan Year 3 UK Cities and Regions.pdfDownload
 Unit Plan Year 3 Volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes.pdfDownload
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