PE - Year 4
Autumn 1
Outdoor PE: Football: Football is an invasion game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In football pupils do this by maintaining possession and moving the ball towards goal to score. Pupils develop their understanding of the importance of fair play and honesty while self-managing games and learning and abiding by key rules, as well as evaluating their own and others’ performances.
Indoor PE: OAA: OAA (outdoor adventurous activities) allows pupils to develop problem solving skills through a range of challenges. Pupils work independently, as a pair and in a small group to plan, explore, solve, reflect and improve on strategies. Pupils develop communication skills, taking on the role of a leader and working within a team. Pupils develop navigation skills including orientating a map, identifying key symbols and drawing and following a route.
Autumn 2
Outdoor PE: Hockey: In this unit children will develop their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. They will have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. They will learn that in hockey they do this by maintaining possession and moving the ball towards goal to score. Children will develop their understanding of the importance of fair play and honesty while self-managing games and learning and abiding by key rules, as well as evaluating their own and others’ performances. Indoor PE: Yoga: Children will learn about mindfulness and body awareness. They will learn yoga poses and techniques that will help them to connect their mind and body. The unit looks to improve wellbeing by building strength, flexibility and balance. The learning includes breathing and meditation. Children will work independently and with others to create their own yoga flows.
Spring 1
In spring 1, we focused on Tag Rugby and Gymnastics.
Pupils combined passing and moving skills to develop ways of creating space to beat an opponent to score a try. The children have also explored different ways the defending team can prevent the attackers from scoring.
In gymnastics, the children explored bridge balances and the ways we can move in and out of them over and under them, on the floor and on the apparatus. Children created sequences combining movements and bridge balances in pairs, applying flow and challenging their creativity.
Spring 2
The focus was dance and Hockey.
The children have explored movement through improvisation, introducing unison and matching. Children needed to sustain their characters to add drama and emotion to the dance. They extended their dance skills by using more complex interacting movements, actions and incorporate apparatus.
In Hockey, the children continued to develop their ability to apply the principles of attack vs defence, with a particular focus on creating simple attacking tactics in order to move the ball up the court, creating an attack that results in a shooting opportunity.
Summer 1
Year 4 will focus on Tennis and Athletics
In Tennis, the children will apply the principles of attack vs defence in order to win a game of tennis. They will create space to win points and apply the developing racket skills using forehand and backhand techniques.
For Athletics, the children will develop their own sprinting technique and analyse their own performance. Pupils will compare sprinting to running for distance and pacing. The unit will introduce throwing for distance with javelins and explore the triple jump.
Summer 2
The focus will be cricket and sports day practice/athletics.
The Cricket unit will explore the concept of attack vs defence in a cricket context. Pupils will develop a range of more advanced fielding skills to keep the batter’s score as low as possible. Pupils will also develop their batting skills to outwit the fielders and score as many runs (points) as possible.